If playing in browser, give it a full minute to load! You may need to allow the page to become "unresponsive" for a short while.

Small game for Godot Wild Jam #58 Rain or ShRine, but we missed the deadline. We thought the theme was originally "Rain or Shine".

Collaboration with https://github.com/reverbePrintemps , who also composed the music.



- Wind deity: https://penusbmic.itch.io/sci-fi-character-pack-10

- Ice Tileset: https://stealthix.itch.io/rpg-nature-tileset

- Tutorial keyboard keys: https://beamedeighth.itch.io/simplekeys-animated-pixel-keyboard-keys

- Wind effect: https://nyknck.itch.io/wind

- Hourglass: https://nyknck.itch.io/sand-clock

- Star Icons: https://bdragon1727.itch.io/basic-pixel-health-bar-and-scroll-bar

- Reaper: https://samuellee.itch.io/reaper-animated-pixel-art